Monday, July 29, 2013

A Chaplain by any Other Name . . .

I stumbled across this article the other day. I can't seem to wrap my brain around a chaplain with no faith, whether it be Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, or anything else. The term "non-theism" linked with that name makes my teeth itch. I know several people who have served and are now serving in the military. I can't think of one who would be in favor of an atheist chaplain giving him or her spiritual comfort or any kind of comfort, for that matter.

So I looked up the word "chaplain" in Websters Dictionary, which is a pretty reliable source of information if you want to know the definition of a word. This is what it says:

Definition of CHAPLAIN
1: a clergyman in charge of a chapel
2: a clergyman officially attached to a branch of the military, to an institution, or to a family or court
3: a person chosen to conduct religious exercises (as at a meeting of a club or society)
4: a clergyman appointed to assist a bishop (as at a liturgical function)
chap·lain·cy noun
 I realize atheism is considered a religion by some. But the Freedom From Religion group would probably disagree. So it seems to me the military might consider coming up with another, more fitting, moniker for this essential position .


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