Friday, August 9, 2013

Book on Amazon

At last my book is up on Amazon. Title is Mark's Remarkable Summer and it's been in the works for probably seven years. I wrote it under a different title back before the ice storm, for a hugely different audience. Rewrote it for Christian audience. I have fooled around with it probably since 2008. It's not too long so you won't fall asleep while reading it. It's about a teenager struggling with being a teenager, summer school, smoking dope just to fit in; and distracted by voices, apparitions, and the fact his love life is beyond resuscitation.

It's self published on Kindle and that was certainly a challenge. But now that I've done it I guess I can do it again with the sequel. I've known the characters for so many years they're almost a part of my family. Since the book is set in 1988 I'll probably do the sequences in 5-year increments.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Thoughts During a Five O'clock Thunderstorm

There's no way I can sleep through a thunderstorm at my house. I have two very sensitive doggies. Maggie, my 60# mixed breed, is slightly hard of hearing. But she's very attuned to sudden or loud noises. So thunder always gets her attention and she becomes my shadow. Early this morning she jumped on the bed and started licking my face. Wakes me up every time; I know where that tongue's been.

Gus, my 16-pounder, simply gets on top of me and stays there. Even with his Thunder Shirt, he is very afraid of the lightning, the thunder, and the noisy downpour. Right now he's on my lap.

I was thinking how dependent these creatures are. They immediately come to us when something isn't right in their world. They never try to "fix it" themselves. They know their master will make everything as right as possible up to and often including giving his life, if necessary.

Isn't that what God did? And even when we weren't looking to Him because we were too arrogant to think we needed anything outside of ourselves. Don't we oftentimes try to plan and implement the plan without even considering our Master, who wants only the best for us? The Bible passage that comes to mind is Proverbs 3-5, 6: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lead not unto thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.

What continues to astonish me is that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). I was wallowing around doing everything my way and Christ had already died. That knowledge brings me up short.

I need to have the faith of my doggies.
