Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Beginnings

Just realized I've not visited this blog since October. I guess I should either keep it going or delete it. And since it doesn't get read by anyone but me I can use it as a journal and say anything I want. I'd like to say I'll keep it up by writing a new entry every day in 2014. But I know myself well enough that it's not going to happen. So I'll go for maybe one or two a week. That's 104 in a year and that's a lot—for me. Cecil did one every day on Zion Beckons, right up until the end. He even apologized to his readers for having to take a day off for an angiogram, which never happened because his heart gave out the day before his appointment. I try not to think about the what-ifs. What if I'd made him go to the ER on Saturday even though it was a weekend? What if his doctor had sent him to the hospital on Monday even though the St. John's cardiac doctor said it wasn't necessary? What if St. John's had made the appointment for Wednesday instead of Thursday? Enough.

So here we are in 2014. The Washington DC criminal establishment is going to hell in a handbasket and taking the rest of the country along with it. That hasn't changed. Obama is still a narcissistic scumbag and we've got two more years of him. Harry Reid is still rearing his ugly head and the Republicans are still selling their souls to the liberal left. However, God is still in control and we know He wins.

My book is still languishing on Amazon which is no big surprise, since I've done almost no marketing.I should send postcards to the Southern Baptist churches I've printed off. Nothing happened with the Independent Fundamentals. We're a rather insular bunch and hate to add anything new to our agenda. Mark's Remarkable Summer probably doesn't measure up on some level.

Our pastor's wife, Ericka, inspired me on Christmas night. She played a beautiful rendition of What Child is This ? on the piano. I didn't even know she played. So I've downloaded a couple of songs and have started practicing on my ancient piano. I may not be able to play in church but that's what I'm aiming for. Maybe next month, considering lack of exposure and my arthritic hands. Oh well, it's good exercise for my fingers.

Happy New Year.


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